• Whilst every breathwork has its place and value, Transformational Breath® is a complete system that works on all 3 levels: physical, mental & emotional and spiritual. It integrates any stored trauma and emotions. It engages the full respiratory system and uses hands-on, sound and movement, amongst other things.

  • Having a restricted breath pattern will affect your life, create tiredness and dis-ease, Transformational Breath® will clear and open your respiratory system promoting better health and ultimately a better life.

  • No, everyone can have a breathing session. However, depending on your health condition, the session will be adapted accordingly. It is important to let your facilitator know of any health condition you may have. Breathing correctly and fully can only help.

  • It is the quickest and simplest way to increase the air flow to your lungs. It is NOT recommended to breathe this way in your everyday life, ONLY FOR THE PURPOSES OF A TRANSFORMATIONAL BREATH® SESSION. However, it is encouraged to stay aware of your breath on a day-to-day basis.

  • Both sessions work in a slightly different way, but the outcome is the same.

  • I like to take my time with my clients and allow up to 2 hours per appointment.

    This includes a coaching session, to better understand your needs and a full 1hour breath session, starting with a breath analysis to identify where the breath is held. There is a relaxation time at the end of the breathing session to allow for integration. The whole session will end with time to share or ask any questions if you so wish.

    It is a hands-on technique that uses acupressure points together with sound and movement and positive affirmations; the session is done to specially selected music.

    After a session, although you will be able to function normally and go about your day, I would suggest that you keep your activities to a minimum as you might still be in process and might want time to reflect.

  • The session will be done via zoom and last about 90 minutes.

    This includes a coaching session, to better understand your needs and a 45 minute breath session, starting with a breath analysis to identify where the breath is held. There is a relaxation time at the end of the breathing session to allow for integration. The whole session will end with time to share or ask any questions if you so wish. There will be a follow up call within a few days.

    You will need a laptop for this as a phone will not work.

    Online works the same way as in-person with the difference that you will be using your own hands to do the acupressure points under my guidance.

    I will send instructions on how to set up and what to expect when you book your first online session.

    If you have never experienced a Transformational Breath® session before then you will need to book 3 online sessions to ensure that you experience the full benefit.

  • It is recommended that you have 3 sessions to start with but there is no limit to how many sessions you can have. After 3 sessions you should have a good enough understanding of the technique to practice 3-4 minutes at home.

  • Wear loose clothing, no tight belt or jeans. Only eat lightly within a couple of hours beforehand and do not consume any alcohol or drugs, being under the influence will automatically cancel your appointment. Bring an open mind and a positive intention to your session.

  • A 48 hour notice is required, under 48 hours the full session fees will be due.

    Arriving at a session whilst being intoxicated will automatically cancel your appointment and no refund will be issued.