• “Really allowed me to feel as safe as possible. Really good at using your intuition and following your heart. Really felt your confidence and holding. Beautiful eye-contact and presence. You really are a beautiful soul, with so much to give. It was so nice to feel so safe with you. Thank you.” ❤︎ x

    Lucy Fox-Wylde - Individual session

  • “It was very uplifting and beneficial. Somehow it helped me to get connected with something deeper within me, my inner self and this feeling was very powerful at times, though intermittent. I feel Stefanie is very gifted to assist people in this field and help them to improve their overall well-being through this Transformational breathing exercise.”

    J. C. Seenyen - Workshop participant

  • “I felt Stefanie found the points (of tension) easily and she was respectful and gentle in her approach, which works well for me. I sensed that she knew where she needed to go. I felt safe and supported, which allowed me to stay with the emotional discomfort long enough to release on a deeper level than I normally manage. Thank you so much, I am struggling to express this in words which shows how amazing it was. Perfect!”

    Rachel D – Individual session

  • "Overall, I thought it was amazing, I felt so calm and safe when doing the session, all my worries just disappeared. "

    Sofia, 11yrs old – Individual session

  • "Perfection! Love, love, love. Healing permissive presence. "

    Yael Hochenberg – Individual session

  • “Amazing, I loved it!! Excellent, clear work, Thank you!”

    Susie Valerie – Workshop participant

  • “Beautiful release of deep emotions. Glad I got to experience it pregnant. Such an amazing work. I was able to feel what I usually don’t allow myself to. It allowed me to relax and work with my body. Very grounding. Stefanie’s energy is contagious!” –

    Natacha M – Workshop participant & individual sessions

  • “A wonderful feeling. I felt Stefanie was very knowledgeable, I trusted her. I felt a bit awkward to start with but it didn’t last. Loved it – Thank you ❤︎”

    Catherine Lewis – Workshop participant

  • “From the very start the atmosphere was very welcoming and friendly. I felt safe and at ease. It was relaxing and nice to completely switch off. My body feels a lot lighter. Stefanie was very professional and knowledgeable.”

    Ceri Lauri – Workshop participant

  • "I had a wonderful breathing session with Stefanie. I did set an intention and got a response. Overall, I am very satisfied. My session with Stefanie was very powerful. I had an apprehension to start with before doing the Session, my concern was with regard to the breathing techniques but through her guidance and gentleness, I felt safe and trusted Stefanie. At the end I was amazed to find out that the session had lasted one hour and that I managed to breathe through the mouth during this length of time, without even thinking about it. I am conscious at times of some deep-seated emotional issues which can be challenging for me to release and to express them. I felt that I somehow manage to release some of those blockages. Throughout the session I felt deep inner peace and a strong sense of connection with source. I know for sure that the Universe has my back and now it’s up to me to trust, detach from any outcome, always be in a state of gratitude, and simply Be. So, thank you Stefanie I would recommend Stefanie. As a therapist she demonstrated patience and will truly listen to your concerns. Whatever issues you want to work on Stefanie has the tools and knowledge to get you where you want to be."

    Chantal H – Individual session

  • “Overall the session was excellent. I felt Stef created a lot of space to let me share what was going on in life and helped me form an intention around this. She then got a brilliant balance between facilitating me (all instructions felt really appropriate and were helpful) and providing space for me to just breathe. I felt there was a great transition between stages of the session and Stef ensured I felt grounded and had some water before ending our session. I felt heard and cared for the whole way through. Stef spent a lot of time with me exploring what was going on in my life and helping me find an intention for the session. This proved incredibly helpful as I received quite a lot of clarity around my intention, and in an area of life which was causing me some distress.” –

    Alex Manos – Online session

  • "J’ai souhaité découvrir avec Stéfanie la Respiration Transformatrice. J’ai adoré la libération que cela m’a procuré. J’ai voulu pendant la séance la serrer fort dans mes bras pour lui dire merci et cela à plusieurs reprises. Depuis je respire comme elle me l’a appris tous les matins (une dizaine de fois) avant de mettre le pied par terre. A vrai dire je ne savais pas respiré. C’était vraiment une magnifique et merveilleuse séance. Je me suis sentie libre, légère, libérée, apaisée, tranquille, heureuse, épuisée- Pendant la séance c’était tellement actif, que je pensais qu’au bout de 20 minutes, j’avais fait tout le travail. J’ai été surprise de la durée. Car c’était tellement intense, dynamique, que je ne pensais pas avoir de l’énergie suffisante pour continuer le travail. Je ne comprenais pas au début les petites précisions de Stéfanie…. Taper des pieds, secouer les bras… cela m’intriguait. J’ai vite compris. Il faut vraiment que la personne qui veut profiter pleinement de la séance sache lâcher prise et faire confiance en la personne."

    A-G – Session individuelle

  • "I had complete confidence with Stefanie, she has a warm and loving energy. I don’t know how but wow, the right amount of pressure was applied with good spoken guidance. Thank you. Stefanie, thank you for holding the space for me & providing me with the space required to dig deep, get it and let go."

    Lisa Baker - Workshop participant

  • “The workshop was extremely well run, informative, supportive and I was left feeling energised and with a good understanding of my breath and its power, power to integrate tensions and trauma into the system so that it may be processed.”

    Darryl George – Workshop participant

  • “It was amazing, I felt very comfortable & safe, specially since I was sceptical to start. It was nice to finally almost lose control and let my body take over.”

    Megan Piper – Workshop participant

  • "Stefanie has a really warm, friendly and comforting presence. I felt very reassured throughout the session and there was good flow, plus clear instruction on what to expect. The music was the right pace and tempo for an on-line session. Instructions were clear and any changes on position were easy to follow and did not interrupt the flow of the session. I had been feeling a little anxious as work and pace of life were quickening after covid restrictions eased. The session came at just the right time, I felt held and able to relax to receive, this helped me to quieten my mind and get into my body. I felt relaxed and clear after the session."

    Steve Bannister– Online session

  • “Felt very confident in Stefanie, she made sure I had all I needed. Did appropriate forms and helped me find an intention for the session with good questions. Helped my breath open up fully and activate by good guidance and timely sound and movement. Great music and she made sure I was OK. She helped me focus, stayed present, I felt guided. I achieved a connected breath. I Felt clear and happy to proceed with life afterwards.”

    Dharmada – Online session

  • “The session was just in time for my clearing party and was just perfect add on. The session was perfect, I was sensitive - and Stefanie listened to me, and absorbed every single word `I shared before getting into the practical session. I got to clear my personal stories around speaking my truth and being safe to do so, because many times I have been turned down for speaking my truth. This experience was coming up as a final step to breathe through the trigger points - I felt such an opening in my hard passing by the second phase of the session - and even now I feel straighter to sit, with more open chest than I was before getting into the session.”

    Inese Zute – online session

  • "Absolute Brilliant. I had a release of pain and felt safe. Thank you!"

    Kay Brown – workshop participant

  • "I found the session interesting especially enjoyed the end where I had time to rest and reflect. I found the breathing made me so thirsty and my mouth extremely dry and had conflicting thoughts in my head as I have been aware of the benefits of nasal breathing so I found it difficult at the start. After I felt quite uplifted and found that I had some positive thoughts at the end about key elements in my life so Thankyou! I was very comfortable with you and thought your manner and voice were very soothing and I think you will be amazing."

    Tracey – individual session

  • "It was lovely, relaxing and powerful. Stefanie & Nathalie were a fantastic presence and I felt very supported. Stefanie was brilliant. Thoroughly recommend. "

    Claire Bate - Workshop participant